Monday, October 5, 2009

Electrophone; the electric wave

As I chose to do earlier in the year, I listened to four radio stations from my home town. These radio stations included, 92.3 (Rock - Alternative), 107.9 (Hip-Hop), 99.5 (Country), and 98.5 (80's Rock). For the most part, these stations aren't very similar and they play a wide variety of genres, but each station is effected by electrophones in one way or another.
92.3 has two very popular electrophone, that is within almost every song that is played. These electrophones would be the electric guitar and the electric bass guitar. After listening to nearly an hour of this station, I heard two songs that didn't have a single electrophone in it, and these were acoustic songs. I also heard a few songs that included synthesizers, but these were limited.
For the second station, 99.5, there were less electrophones. I think there were less electrophones in this station due to the type of genre it is. Country music is an acoustic based genre. I did hear a few electric guitars, and maybe an electric keyboard or two, but for the most part is was all acoustic.
107.9 is a Hip-Hop station, therefore every song I heard was done almost exclusively with an electrophone. I can honestly say I don't think I heard one song that used an instrument other than an electrophone. Every beat was composed by an electrophone.
Lastly, 98.5 was ruled by one electrophone in particular. This electrophone was the electric guitar. Since this is an 80's rock station there was nothing but guitar solos and power cords. Every song had one electric guitar, if not more, and at least one electric bass guitar as far as I could tell. This genre is hugely reliant on electrophones. Overall, I think every genre of music within the last three decades has been effected by electrophones.

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